
Hi! I'm Param! This is a place for my personal notes.

My website is, and I write more readable stuff on my substack:

I've found that taking notes helps me remember things, and it's nice to look back on information that you processed years ago. I jot down random things, there's no real structure, but some of these notes could eventually become blog posts.

Some notes you might find interesting:

I also keep notes on books I read here.

This is built using Dendron and hosted using GitHub Pages.

Get in touch via Twitter or email me at me [at] param [dot] codes!

  1. Art and Photography
  2. Blog
  3. Blunderfest
  5. Books
  6. Chess
  7. Engineering
  8. Films
  9. History
  10. Ideas
  11. Life
  12. Machine Learning
  13. Math
  14. Miscellany
  15. Music
  16. People
  17. Running
  18. Todo
  19. param.plan