Tennis Defeated (Induction)

Book: A Walk through Combinatorics



At a tennis tournament, every two players played against each other exactly once. After all the games were over, each player listed the names of those he defeated, and the names of those defeated by someone he defeated.

Prove that at least one player listed the names of everyone else.


Base case, for 2 players, one player will write the other player's name.

Induction step:

For nn players, someone (say player XX) has written the name of all other players.

Adding player n+1n + 1, player n+1n + 1 has either won all games, then he has the list.

Or player n+1n + 1 has lost at least one game to one of the players 11 to nn. Now since player XX has beaten all of these players, their list will get player n+1n + 1.

So in any case, there is one player who has the list.